Planteria Groups Great Big Walk for Herts Mind Network
We asked our employees to nominate for their Charity of the Quarter, Hers Mind Network was the deserving winner. We have been putting on events to raise money and awareness this quarter. With 5 of us taking on the challenge of Hertfordshire Way Walk.
Planteria Group
Fundraising as part of an organisation:Herts Mind Network
My story
Employee Story: This charity is amazing as I have seen first hand the work they do, especially with children. One of my siblings children had a nervous breakdown during their GSCE'S whcih resulted in them being classified disabled with Schizophrenia. They were an A* student but left school with no qualifications, too much pressure from the school to do well. It has taken many years of support and help from hospital consultants and the support staff at Herts Mind Network to get them to a stable position where they are now the proud parent to 2 girls with a little boy on the way in August. They still suffer with negative mental health, but with the support of Herts Mind Network, their partner and their children lead a normal life. The Herts Mind Network Charity is amazing in the help and support they provide, not only just counselling but the other services, help and assistance they provide. This is why i believe they are a great charity for us at Planteria to raise much needed funds for them. The charity also sits well with our recent Planteria launch of Wellbeing & Mental Health Awareness.
Daniel Hassall
£5.00 + £1.25 Gift Aid
Bronwyn Smart
£2.00 + £0.50 Gift Aid
£10.00 + £2.50 Gift Aid
Well done all
Grandma Mo
£25.00 + £6.25 Gift Aid
Well done all of you !????
Victoria Sullivan
£10.00 + £2.50 Gift Aid
Overall Fundraiser Leaderboard
Broxbourne Alliance PCN
Broxbourne Alliance PCN Great Big Walk for Herts Mind Network£1,690+ £292.80 Gift Aid
Platinum Point
Team Platinum Point Great Big Walk for Herts Mind Network£1,683+ £250.10 Gift Aid
Dawn Allen-Williamson
Dawn walks for Herts Mind£1,520+ £227.20 Gift Aid
Ruth Jaksic
Ruth's Great Big Walk for Herts£1,235+ £209.35 Gift Aid
Simon & Jenny
Simon & Jenny walking for Hertfordshire Mind£1,073+ £225.65 Gift Aid